Download software 5.40.03
Here we offer you the opportunity to download our latest vehicle diagnostics software
The diagnostic software only works in conjunction with our diagnostic interfaces LOOQER and Snooper+!
Minimum requirements of the PC-hardware
Requirements for the installation and use of the WOW! LOOQIT diagnostics software
Good to know: All hardware systems of WOW! meet the system requirements! |
After the download of the ZIP file was successfull, you go on like the description below:
- 1. Open the menue window with right click on the ZIP file
- 2. Click on "Extract all" in the menue
- 3. Set path with "Browse" - e.g. on USB stick (min. 32 GB)
- 4. Open path after extraction operation
- 5. Start the application by double-clicking on "Starter.exe" and follow the installation wizard