Download software 5.40.03

Here we offer you the opportunity to download our latest vehicle diagnostics software

The diagnostic software only works in conjunction with our diagnostic interfaces LOOQER and Snooper+!

Minimum requirements of the PC-hardware
  • Working memory: min. 8 GB, better 16 GB (16 GB according to OS default)
  • Operating system: Windows 10 or 11 (Updates on the current status)
  • Display screen: Resolution min. 1024 x 768
  • Hard disk: Min. 34 GB free memory
  • CPU: Min. 2 GHz / 2 core
  • Bluetooth: Bluetooth CLASS 1, 300m standard, 4 channel capability (simultaneously)
  • Interfaces: Min. 1x USB 2.0 port, network LAN 10/100/1000, WLAN

Requirements for the installation and use of the WOW! LOOQIT diagnostics software

  • Programm: Windows Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5, Adobe Acrobat Reader, PDF-Viewer, usw.
  • Must be available: Admin rights or administrator

Good to know: All hardware systems of WOW! meet the system requirements!
Overview of the requirements in PDF

The download is password protected. To receive your access data, please contact your hotline support.

After the download of the ZIP file was successfull, you go on like the description below:

  • 1. Open the menue window with right click on the ZIP file
  • 2. Click on "Extract all" in the menue
  • 3. Set path with "Browse" - e.g. on USB stick (min. 32 GB)
  • 4. Open path after extraction operation
  • 5. Start the application by double-clicking on "Starter.exe" and follow the installation wizard

The download is password protected. To receive your access data, please contact your hotline support.

(Stand 2024/11)